1. 学习及工作经历
2. 联系方式
3. 研究方向:细胞衰老与肿瘤分子机制的研究
4. 承担项目:先后参与国自然面上项目、国自然青年项目及教育部项目,主持国自然青年项目。
5. 代表性论文:
(1) Pingsu Mao, Jingfan Liu, Zepeng Zhang, Hong Zhang, Haiying Liu, Song Gao, Yikang S. Rong, Yong Zhao. Homologous recombination-dependent repair of telomeric DSBs in proliferating human cells, Nature Communications, 2016, 7:12154.(IF=12.12)
(2) Youwei Zhang, Yangxiu Wu, Pingsu Mao, Feng Li, Xin Han, Yi Zhang, Shuai Jiang, Yuxi Chen, Junjiu Huang, Dan Liu, Yong Zhao, Wenbin Ma , Zhou Songyang. Cold-inducible RNA-binding protein CIRP/hnRNP A18 regulates telomerase activity in a temperature-dependent manner, Nucleic Acids Research, 2016, 44(2): 761~775. (IF=10.16)
(3) Haiying Liu, Yujie Xie, Zepeng Zhang, Pingsu Mao, Jingfan Liu, Wenbin Ma, Yong Zhao.Telomeric Recombination Induced by DNA Damage Results in Telomere Extension and Length Heterogeneity. Neoplasia, 2018, 20(9):905-916. (IF=3.8)