1. 学习及工作经历
1995.09-2000.06 泸州医学院,临床医学,学士
2003.09-2006.06 泸州医学院,病理学与病理生理学,硕士
2013.09-2017.06 南方医科大学,病理学与病理生理学,博士
2. 联系方式
邮箱:wwysh-001@163.com; yingwan@swmu.edu.cn
3. 研究方向:肝胆疾病的病理生理
4. 承担项目:国自然面上项目:microRNA-34a/SIRT1信号调控在原发性硬化性胆管炎中的作用及其机制研究
5. 代表性论文:
1. Substance P increases liver fibrosis by differential changes in senescence of cholangiocytes and hepatic stellate cells, Hepatology 2017; 66(2): 528-541.
2. Regulation of Cellular Senescence by miR-34a in Alcoholic Liver Injury, Am J Pathol 2017; 187(12): 2788-2798.
3. Knockout of α-calcitonin gene-related peptide attenuates cholestatic liver injury by differentially regulating cellular senescence of hepatic stellate cells and cholangiocytes, Lab Invest 2019; 99(6): 764-776.
4. The emerging role of cellular senescence in renal diseases, J Cell Mol Med. 2020; 24(3): 2087-2097.
5. Endothelial dysfunction in pathological processes of chronic liver disease during aging, FASEB J.2022 Jan;36(1):e22125.
6.miR-34a-dependent overexpression of Per1 decreases holangiocarcinoma growth,J Hepatol. 2016; 64(6): 1295-1304.