张禄滑,博士,男,1986年05月出生。现就职于欧洲杯下单平台病原生物学教研室,副教授,硕士研究生导师,中国微生物学会会员,美国微生物学会会员;目前主要开展病原微生物的致病机制、耐药机制以及耐药菌的噬菌体治疗研究,主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,省部级项目1项,厅局级等项目多项,入选欧洲杯下单平台青年人才培育项目,以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文20余篇,参编教材两部,担任BMC microbiology,infection and drug resistance等多个期刊审稿人,获评欧洲杯下单平台优秀个人。
1. 学习及工作经历
2. 联系方式
3. 研究方向:细菌耐药及防治
4. 承担项目:
(1) RfaH通过调控荚膜多糖合成介导肺炎克雷伯菌持留进化的作用研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金,31900125,2020.01-2022.12,主持;
(2) 质粒介导的替加环素耐药基因传播机制研究,四川省科技厅项目,2022JDRC0144,2022.01-2023.12,主持;
5. 代表性论文:
(1) Li Y, Qiu Y, Fang C, Dai X, Zhang L. 2022. Coexistence of blaOXA-58 and blaNDM-1 on a Novel Plasmid of GR59 from an Acinetobacter towneri Isolate. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy:e00206-00222. (通讯)
(2) Li Y, Liu Q, Qiu Y, Fang C, Zhou Y, She J, Chen H, Dai X, Zhang L. 2022. Genomic characteristics of clinical multidrug-resistant Proteus isolates from a tertiary care hospital in southwest China. Frontiers in Microbiology:3286. (通讯)
(3) Li Y, Qiu Y, Fang C, Dai X, Zhang L. 2022. Genomic Characterization of a Multidrug-Resistant Aeromonas caviae Isolate Carrying a Novel bla KPC-2-Harbouring Plasmid and an IMP-4-Encoding Phage-like Plasmid. Microbiology Spectrum:e00840-00822. (通讯)
(4) Li Y, Fang C, Qiu Y, Dai X, Zhang L. 2022. Genomic characterization of a carbapenem-resistant Citrobacter freundii cocarrying blaKPC-2 and blaNDM-1. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance 29:289-292. (通讯)
(5) Li Y, Qiu Y, Gao Y, Chen W, Li C, Dai X, Zhang L. 2022. Genetic and virulence characteristics of a Raoultella planticola isolate resistant to carbapenem and tigecycline. Scientific reports 12:1-13. (通讯)